data nhefs; filename nhfile url ''; infile nhfile firstobs=2; input id wt82_71 qsmk sex race age education smokeintensity smokeyrs exercise active wt71 ht; run; /* - wt82_71 (kgs) - QUIT SMOKING BETWEEN 1ST QUESTIONNAIRE AND 1982, 1:YES, 0:NO - 0: MALE 1: FEMALE - 0: WHITE 1: BLACK OR OTHER IN 1971 - age (years) - LEVEL OF EDUCATION IN 1971, 1: 8TH GRADE OR LESS, 2: HS DROPOUT; 3: HS, 4: COLLEGE DROPOUT, 5: COLLEGE OR MORE - NUMBER OF CIGARETTES SMOKED PER DAY IN 1971 - years smoked - IN RECREATION, HOW MUCH EXERCISE? IN 1971, 0:much exercise,1:moderate exercise,2:little or no exercise - IN YOUR USUAL DAY, HOW ACTIVE ARE YOU? IN 1971, 0:very active, 1:moderately active, 2:inactive, 3:missing - wt71 (kgs) - ht height (cms) */ /* 1: using the g-formula */ /* First we triple the data set */ data triple; set nhefs; interv=-1; output; interv=0; wt82_71=.; qsmk=0; output; interv=1; wt82_71=.; qsmk=1; output; run; /* Next, we fit the Q-model - here a simple additive model */ proc genmod data=triple; class education exercise active; model wt82_71=qsmk sex race age education smokeintensity smokeyrs exercise active wt71 ht; output out=preddata predicted=yhat; run; /* Finally, the mean outcome is predicted for qsmk=0 and qsmk=1 */ proc means data=preddata; class interv; var yhat; run; /* 2: using IPTW */ /* First, we fit the propensity score model (simple additive) */ proc genmod data=nhefs descending; class education exercise active; model qsmk = sex race age education smokeintensity smokeyrs exercise active wt71 ht/dist=bin; output out=iptw predicted=propscore; run; /* Next, we compute weights */ data iptw; set iptw; if qsmk=1 then w=1/propscore; if qsmk=0 then w=1/(1-propscore); run; /* and fit the marginal structural model using the weights */ proc genmod data=iptw; class id; model wt82_71 = qsmk; repeated subject=id; weight w; run;